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Bianca LaNeige
A woman out for revenge, Bianca has spent the past few years trying to ruin Emma’s life. When Frost International acquired LaNeige Industrial, Bianca tried to use one of her creations to make Emma go bankrupt but instead transported herself to an alien dimension. When she ran into an alien ship with a crew of aliens, she turned them into dwarves and had them bring her back to Massachusetts so she could kick Emma’s butt. She didn’t succeed, of course.

Real Name: Bianca LaNiege
Current Team: None
Past Teams: The Hellfire Club
Powers: Telepathy, the ability to alter things’ formations
First Appearance: Generation X #40
First Meeting with Generation X: Generation X #43

LeGault is Brawn's right-arm man. He's tough and can take on most of Gen X by himself. He was the one who actually kidnapped Sean in the first place.

Real Name: LeGault (first name unknown)
Current Team: None
Past Teams: None
Powers: Advanced strength
First Appearance: Generation X #51
First Meeting with Generation X: Generation X #50

Lupo was part of Tores' gang the night Angelo's and Tores' powers developed and the night of "the shootout", in which most of Skin's gang died. Tores killed Lupo when he tried to kill Husk, Skin, and Jubilee with a grenade.

Real Name: Lupo
Past Teams: Tores' gang
Powers: Lupo was completely human.
First Appearance: Generation X #1/2
Death: Generation X #1/2
First Meeting with Generation X: Generation X #1/2