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Generation X #71Generation X #71
Four Days: Part 1 of 4

With the impending cancellation of Generation X, some have speculated that the next four to five issues will simply continue to go down the drain, followed by an incredibly sappy ending. I am rather pleased to say that such isn’t the case. In fact, issue #71 allows us a glimpse into Jonothon Starsmore’s personality, and more important, his private life.

Issue #71 picks up shortly after the death of Everett Thomas, where we see Sean Cassidy and Emma Frost trusting the students to go to Manhattan for a day, by themselves. This sets the backdrop for the next three issues or so, allowing the writer, artist, and readers alike, to focus on a character that has long been ignored. 

What continues to surprise and enthrall me is the fact that these characters, more specifically Jono, comes to life, with Brian Wood’s ingenious writing style, accompanied by Pugh’s artwork. Issue #71 allows us to see Jono more as a human being with feelings, and how his mutant powers, and friend’s death have affected him, as far as how he interacts with other individuals.

This issue made me smirk, laugh, and reflect upon how many in our society treat people that are "different" or "freaks" in comparison to what seems to be today’s standard of what’s "normal" and "acceptable". At the same time, it made me change my mind about quite a few things. Before this issue, I was somewhat content with Generation X’s cancellation as I felt it was time to put it out to pasture. After reading #71 however, I wish Quesada and those at Marvel would re-consider their decision to axe the comic, or at least have it extend a few more issues to wrap up any loose ends.

The artwork was by far the best I’ve seen since Pugh came aboard. The inking was spectacular as well, in comparison to past issues, and I must say that I was completely impressed with the work everyone put into this issue. Spectacular.

The Grade

The Plot: A
The Writing: A+
Art: A+
Inks: A+

Overall Grade: A+

J-Fan is a twenty-year-old college student who resides in the state of Texas.  She's currently taking her core courses prior to deciding an exact major. Her passions involve singing, writing, and speaking a number of foreign languages.  Her hobbies involve reading comics, roleplaying, singing, and hanging out with her friends, among other things.

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