Sitka Fair Poster Online

In case you haven’t noticed it yet, Michael Chabon has posted on his Web site a poster for the 1977 Sitka World’s Fair, held in the Federal District of Sitka, where his up-coming novel The Yiddish Policemen’s Union takes place.

The poster is from the collection of “Leon Chaim Bach.” The name is an anagram for “Michael Chabon.”

The fair, according to the poster, occurred from May to October 1977. In the novel, which hits stands May 1, Chabon describes the fair as a “pinnacle of Jewish civilization in the north.” The novel takes place 30 years later.

In the real world, Sitka is Alaska’s fourth largest city with nearly 9,000 people. In Chabon’s novel, the city sports a population of 3.2 million and is part of the alternate history’s Jewish homeland.

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